Registration Anéla-conference2024

To register for the Anéla Conference:

  • Fill in the form below.
  • Transfer the amount to bank account number: NL43INGB0002868700 (BIC: INGBNL2A) in name of: Nederlandse Ver voor Toegepaste Taalwetenschap, and mention ‘Meerdaagse + First name + Last name’.

NB: Anyone who would like to become an Anéla member when registering for the conference can exceptionally do so at a discounted rate. Juniors pay €15 for their membership (instead of the usual €25) and seniors pay €45 (instead of the usual €70). If you subscribe as a Anéla member with your conference registration, you immediately pay the cheaper conference fee for junior or senior Anéla members. Then also fill in the registration form for Anéla membership.

    Ik geef een presentatie (I wil present):

    Dieetwensen (Dietary requirements):



    If you want to use the Anéa discount for one of the two following hotels, please use the booking forms under the links below. Notice: there is a deadline for booking using this forms and a limited amount of rooms is available in each hotel. i