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Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics

The Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics (DuJAL) is the official journal of the Dutch Association of Applied Linguistics (Anéla). It publishes research on (second) language use, learning, teaching and policy and particularly values both theoretically and practically driven research that is of societal relevance. More information about DuJAL’s mission and scope can be found here.

DuJAL puts high value on open, transparent, and sustainable publishing practices. As of volume 8 (2019), it publishes according to the principles of diamond open access, which means that accepted articles are published under a CC BY licence free of charge. In addition, DuJAL offers the possibility of sharing both research instruments and data sets with published articles, and strongly encourages submitting authors to do this. DuJAL is a fully online journal. Articles are published continuously and appear in definitive form as soon as they are ready for publication. DuJAL welcomes submissions in Dutch and English, and all submissions are subject to double-blind review. More information about DuJAL’s editorial policies can be found here.

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