Master Class Guus Extra
23 June 2017 prof. dr. Guus Extra (Tilburg University) will give a master class on linguistic diversity in multicultural societies. You are welcome to join. Attendance is free, but registration beforehand is obligatory! Fist come, first served.
Prof. dr. Guus Extra
Responding to increasing linguistic diversity in multicultural societies:
The Netherlands in international comparative perspectives
Derived from a comparative focus on the European Union and the English-dominant world of the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and South-Africa, five different perspectives will be offered on the proposed theme:
- Phenomenological perspectives: the public and political discourse on diversity
- Demolinguistic perspectives: collecting and analyzing empirical data on language diversity
- Educational perspectives: education in the national language and in languages other than the national language
- Economic perspectives: the economic value of multilingual education and the costs of a monolingual mindset
- Dutch abroad: the status of Nederlanders and Nederlands in English-dominant countries (focus on Australia)
A concise electronic reading list will be sent to all participants in advance.
23 June 2017, 14.00-17.00.
Sweelinckzaal, Drift 21, Utrecht University.
Registration form master class Guus Extra
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