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THE GROTE TAALDAG 2021: call for abstracts


Submit abstract for lecture or pecha kucha

Any AVT or Anéla member wishing to give a lecture at the GTD can submit an abstract of up to 170 words via the website of the AVT from October 7 till November 15 2020. You can choose between a classic 20-minute lecture + 5-minute question period or a pecha kucha presentation of up to 6 minutes and 40 seconds + questions (total duration: 10 minutes). A ‘pecha kucha’ is a short, flashy presentation: you use (a maximum of) 20 slides (with as many images and as few words as possible), each showing 20 seconds (see also here, here en here for more info and examples).

– When submitting your abstract, you indicate whether you wish to hold a regular lecture or a pecha kucha. Given the online format, we recommend pecha kuchas as the standard.

– If you are planning or willing to give your lecture or pecha kucha in English, you can indicate this with an English title and summary instead of a Dutch one.

– You may submit a maximum of 2 abstracts (1 as first author, 1 as co-author).

– You can choose to give your lecture or pecha kucha “live” via the online platform, or you can record and send your presentation in advance. In that case, we ask you to send your presentation at least one week in advance.

If you do not receive confirmation of receipt of your abstract, please contact Jenneke van der Wal ( If there are more speakers than places in the programme, the most recently received abstracts will be included as ‘alternates’.

The programme booklet (including abstracts) will appear on the AVT website in January and be sent by e-mail to all registered participants (at that time) and all AVT and Anéla members.