You are here:: Home > Activities > Grote Taaldag > Grote Taaldag 2017: submit abstract
Grote taaldag (TIN en tTIN): Indienen abstract▲
All AVT and Anéla members are invited to submit an abstract for the Grote Taaldag 2016. Abstracts should be submitted no later than 9 December 2016. They should not exceed 170 words, and should be submitted through the AVT website ( Members can submit no more than 2 abstracts (1 as first author, 1 as co-author). Talks last 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.
Important note: abstracts will only be considered by the committee if the speakers also register and pay the conference fee by 9 December 2016.
You should receive an automatic confirmation of your submission. If not, please contact Jenny Audring ( The available slots in the programme will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis.
The programme will be finalised in January, when it will appear on the following website: A programme booklet will also be sent to all AVT and Anéla members by e-mail.